




座机:        邮箱:  wangjia@mail.buct.edu.cn办公地址: 科技大厦西配楼311


2008.09-2012.06   北京化工大学    生物工程               学士

2012.09-2018.06   北京化工大学    化学工程与技术         博士

2015.03-2018.03   美国佐治亚大学  工程系                 联合培养博士


 2024.05——今        北京化工大学    生命科学与技术学院     见习教授

2018.07-2024.04       北京化工大学    生命科学与技术学院      副教授














1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大肠杆菌人工微区室代谢传质和酶计量平衡的调控研究

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于酶的定向挖掘及理性设计生物合成鞣花酸及其衍生物

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题:微生物耐受性调控及代谢网络重构

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题:植物天然产物合成途径胞内定位适配原理

5. 引领基金:双功能实时自主动态调控构建策略的研究。

6. 横向项目:生物合成苯甲醇技术开发。

7. 横向项目:生物法生产阿魏酸技术开发。


  1. Chang Ge, Zheng Yu, Huakang Sheng, Xiaolin Shen, Xinxiao Sun, Yifei Zhang, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. Redesigning regulatory components of quorum-sensing system for diverse metabolic control. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1), 2182.

  2.  Liangyu Lu, Xiaolei Wang, Lei Zhou, Qiyuan Liu, Guanghao Zhang, Bingqing Xue, Chenyu Hu, Xiaolin Shen, Xinxiao Sun, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. Establishing biosynthetic pathway for the production of p-hydroxyacetophenone and its glucoside in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering, 2023, 76, 110-119.

  3.  Liangyu Lu, Xiaolin Shen, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. CRISPR-based metabolic engineering in non-model microorganisms. Current opinion in biotechnology, 2022, 75, 102698.

  4.  Xiaolin Shen, Xin Chen, Jian Wang, Xinxiao Sun, Sifang Dong, Yang Li, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. Design and construction of an artificial pathway for biosynthesis of acetaminophen in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering, 2021, 68, 26-33.

  5.  Fengjuan Zhang, Xinxiao Sun, Xiaolin Shen, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. Biosynthesis of allantoin in Escherichia coli via screening a highly effective urate oxidase. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 2022, 119(9), 2518-2528.

  6.  Huakang Sheng, Yijie Jing, Ning An, Xiaolin Shen, Xinxiao Sun, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. Extending the shikimate pathway for microbial production of maleate from glycerol in engineered Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 2021, 118(5), 1840-1850.

  7.  Tong Shi, Xinxiao Sun, Qipeng Yuan, Jia Wang*, Xiaolin Shen*. Rational protein engineering of a ketoacids decarboxylase for efficient production of 1, 2, 4-butanetriol from arabinose. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2024, 17 (1), 46.

  8.  Xiaolin Shen, Xiaotian Jiang, Xinxiao Sun, Qipeng Yuan, Jia Wang*. Identifying and charactering a 4-aminobutyryl-CoA ligase for the production of butyrolactam. Journal of Biotechnology, 2024, 382, 21-27

  9.  Xiaolin Shen, Hongchao Xu, Tong Wang, Ruihua Zhang, Xinxiao Sun, Qipeng Yuan, Jia Wang*. Rational protein engineering of a ketoacids decarboxylase for efficient production of 1, 2, 4-butanetriol from arabinose. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2023, 16 (1), 172.

  10. Jia Wang, Xiaolin Shen, Qipeng Yuan*, Yajun Yan*. Microbial synthesis of pyrogallol using genetically engineered Escherichia coli. Metabolic engineering, 2018, 45, 134-141.

  11. Jia Wang, Xiaolin Shen, Rachit Jain, Jian Wang, Qipeng Yuan*, Yajun Yan*. Establishing a novel biosynthetic pathway for the production of 3,4-dihydroxybutyric acid from xylose in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering, 2017, 41, 39-45.

  12. Jia Wang1, Rachit Jain1, Xiaolin Shen, Xinxiao Sun, Mengyin Cheng, James C Liao, Qipeng Yuan*, Yajun Yan*. Rational engineering of diol dehydratase enables 1,4-butanediol biosynthesis from xylose. Metabolic Engineering, 2017, 40, 148-156.

  13. Jia Wang, Xiaolin Shen, Justin Forrest Rey, Qipeng Yuan*, Yajun Yan*. Recent advances in microbial production of aromatic natural products and their derivatives. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 2017, 102(1), 47-61.

  14. Chang Ge, Huakang Sheng, Xin Chen, Xiaolin Shen, Xinxiao Sun, Yajun Yan, Jia Wang*, Qipeng Yuan*. Quorum sensing system used as a tool in metabolic engineering. Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 15(6), 1900360.

  15. Jia Wang1, Xiaolin Shen1,Jian Wang, Yaping Yang, Qipeng Yuan*, Yajun Yan*. Exploring the promiscuity of phenol hydroxylase from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1 for the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2018, 7(5), 1238-1243.



