姓名:范华昊 职称:见习教授 座机:010-64451781
邮箱:fanhuahao.1987@163.com |
2023.02- 北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,见习教授
2019.11-2023.01 北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院,副教授
2017.08-2019.10 清华大学医学院,博士后
2016.07-2017.07 北京302医院青少年肝病诊疗中心,助理研究员
中国生物工程学会噬菌体技术专业委员会(筹) 委员;
Advanced Biology杂志编委;
Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark专刊主编;
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy、Briefings in Bioinformatics、Emerging Microbes & Infections、Journal of Infection、Frontiers in Immunology、Journa of Medical Virology、Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy等期刊审稿人。
(5)肝炎病毒 HCV 吸附受体在胞间传递中的重要作用及 HEV 危险因素分析;
1. JW科技委后勤开放项目,RNA病毒感染与传播的动物模型研究课题负责人在研339.5万元在研
2. 合生元(广州)健康产品有限公司,乳源活性成分抗类新冠病毒GX_P2V、肠道病毒EV71与轮状病毒的效果评价课题负责人 80万元在研
3. 生物安全项目,xxx验证研究,课题负责人45万元在研
4. 生物安全项目,xxx机制研究课题负责人 50万元在研
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会青年项目,乳铁蛋白通过靶向S蛋白/RdRp和调节免疫信号通路广谱抑制冠状病毒作用机制研究课题负责人30万元在研
6. 国家科学技术部重点研发计划项目,DNA存储中的组合方法子课题负责人68.26万元在研
7. 国家自然科学基金委员会原创项目,千金藤素抗新冠病毒作用机制研究课题骨干156万元在研
8. “国家中医药创新团队-新冠揭榜”项目骨干40万元在研
9. 科技部“十三五”重大专项应急项目“中医药疗法应对Delta变异病毒”项目骨干80万元在研
10. 军事医学研究院,细胞模型体外(In vitro)抗新型冠状病毒药物测试课题负责人30万元在研
11. 中关村国际医药检验认证科技有限公司,点而康表面湿巾抗HCV病毒效果评价课题负责人5万元在研
12. 北医三院创新转化基金,一种基于噬菌体的医院环境消毒剂的研发课题负责人 25万元在研
13. 国家卫生计生委国家科技重大专项,登革病毒及寨卡病毒动物-人-动物跨物种传播机制课题骨干 160.53万元已结题
14. 北京市教委,北京高校新冠环境样本检测课题骨干199万元已结题
15. 中央高校基本业务费自由探索项目,新型高致病性犬冠状病毒的进化与致病机制研究课题负责人16.5万元已结题
16. 北京诺安百汇医药科技有限公司,噬菌体技术服务课题骨干 50万元已结题
17. 上海微谱化工技术服务有限公司,冠状病毒灭活检测课题骨干30万元已结题
18. 国家重点研发计划,2019-nCoV溯源和传播传播途径研究课题骨干50万元已结题
19. 中国博士后科学基金会面上项目,亚感染剂量寨卡病毒增强病毒对埃及伊蚊再次感染课题负责人 8万元已结题
主要从事新冠病毒科研攻关和噬菌体基础临床应用。以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇,其中影响因子10分以上19篇,相关期刊主要包括The Lancet Microbe(1篇,IF=86.2)、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy(6篇,IF=38.1)、Clinical Infectious Diseases(1篇,IF=20.99)、Journal of Medical Virology(2篇,IF=20.8)、Emerging Microbes and Infections (2篇,IF=19.568),Advanced Science(1篇,IF=17.521)、Journal of Hazardous Materials(1篇,IF=14.2)、Briefings in Bioinformatics(2篇,IF=13.99)、Frontiers in Immunology(4篇,IF=8.8)、Journal of Virology(4篇,IF=6.5)等,授权专利8项,获得2020年北京化工大学校长奖“科技抗疫团队奖”(排名第二)、2020年度北京化工大学重要科技进展(排名第二)、2020年、2022年北京化工大学生命科学与技术学院高水平论文奖(排名第一)。
[1] Huahao Fan*, Liqin Wang*, Wenli Liu*, Xiaoping An*, Zhendong Liu, Xiaoqi He, Lihua Song#,Yigang Tong#. Repurposing of clinically approved drugs for treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 in a 2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) related coronavirus model. Chinese Medical Journal 2020; 133(9):1051-1056. JCR IF:6.1; ESI高被引论文(被引大于200次); First author 研究论文
[2] Huahao Fan#,*, Fuxing Lou#, Junfen Fan#, Maochen Li#, Yigang Tong*. The emergence of powerful oral anti-COVID-19 drugs in the post-vaccine era. The Lancet Microbe. 2022; 3(2):e91. JCR IF:86.2; Top journal; First author and co-corresponding author 评论文章
[3] Maochen Li*, Han Wang*, Lili Tian*, Zehan Pang*, Qingkun Yang, Tianqi Huang, Junfen Fan, Lihua Song#, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#. COVID-19 vaccine development: milestones, lessons, and prospects. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022; 7(1):146. JCR IF:38.1; Top journal; Corresponding author 长篇综述
[4] Yangzhen Chen*, Maochen Li*, Huahao Fan#. The monkeypox outbreak in 2022: adaptive evolution associated with APOBEC3 may account for. 2022;7(1):323. JCR IF:38.1; Top journal; Corresponding author评论文章
[5] Maochen Li*, Fuxing Lou*, Huahao Fan#. SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron: currently the most complete “escapee” from neutralization by antibodies and vaccines. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022;7(1):28. JCR IF:38.1; ESI高被引论文; Top journal; Corresponding author评论文章
[6] Maochen Li*, Fuxing Lou*, Huahao Fan#. SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern Delta: a great challenge to prevention and control of COVID-19. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2021; 6(1): 349. JCR IF:38.1; Top journal; Corresponding author 评论文章
[7] Maochen Li*, Fuxing Lou*, Huahao Fan#. SARS-CoV-2 variants: a new challenge to convalescent serum and mRNA vaccine neutralization efficiency. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2021; 6(1):151. JCR IF:38.1; Top journal; Corresponding author 评论文章
[8] Huahao Fan*, Bixia Hong*, Yuqian Luo*, Qi Peng*, Liqin Wang, Xiangshu Jin, Yangzhen Chen, Yunjia Hu, Yi Shi, Tong Li, Hui Zhuang, Yi-Hua Zhou#, Yigang Tong#, Kuanhui Xiang#. The effect of whey protein on viral infection and replication of SARS-CoV-2 and pangolin coronavirus in vitro. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2020; 5(1):275. JCR IF:38.1; Top journal; First author 封面文章研究论文
[9] Lijun Sun*, Lijun Shen*, Junfen Fan*, Fengjun Gu, Mei Hu, Yiran An, Qing Zhou, Huahao Fan#, Jingfeng Bi#. Clinical features of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 from a designated hospital in Beijing, China. Journal of Medical Virology. 2020; 92(10):2055-2066. JCR IF:20.7; Co-corresponding author 临床研究论文
[10] Shi-ting He*, Hongbo Qin*, Lin Guan*, Ke Liu, Bixia Hong, Xiaoxu Zhang, Fuxing Lou, Maochen Li, Wei Lin, Yangzhen Chen, Chengzhi He, Feitong Liu, Shanshan Lu, Shengdong Luo, Shaozhou Zhu, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Bovine lactoferrin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 by targeting the RdRp complex and alleviates viral infection in the hamster model. Journal of Medical Virology. 2023; 95(1):e28281. JCR IF:20.7; Co-corresponding author研究论文
[11] Lijun Sun*, Junfen Fan*, Huiru Gao, Liying Shan, Xue Li, Hui Zhuang, and Huahao Fan#. Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Acute Hepatitis E: Exacerbation by Background End-Stage Liver Disease but Not Pure Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Clinical infectious diseases. 2020; 70(12):2747-2748. JCR IF:20.99; Top journal; Corresponding author临床研究论文
[12] Shanshan Lu, Shengdong Luo, Chang Liu, Muli Li, Xiaoping An, Mengzhe Li, Jun Hou, Huahao Fan#, Panyong Mao#, Yigang Tong#, Lihua Song#. Induction of significant neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by a highly attenuated pangolin coronavirus variant with a 104nt deletion at the 3'-UTR. Emerging Microbes and Infections. 2023; 12(1):2151383. JCR IF: 19.568; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[13] Xiaoxu Zhang, Bixia Hong, Peng Wei, Pengfei Pei, Haifeng Xu, Long Chen, Yigang Tong, Jialin Chen#, Shi-Zhong Luo#, Huahao Fan#, Chengzhi He#. Pathogen-Host Adhesion between SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins from Different Variants and Human ACE2 Studied at Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Levels. Emerging Microbes and Infections. 2022; 11(1):2658-2669. JCR IF:19.568; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[14] Hao Tang*, Hongbo Qin*, Shiting He, Qizhen Li, Huan Xu, Mengsi Sun, Jiaan Li, Shanshan Lu, Shengdong Luo, Panyong Mao, Pengjun Han, Lihua Song, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#, Xingyu Jiang#. Anti-coronaviral Nanocluster Restrain Infections of SARS-CoV-2 and Associated Mutants through Virucidal Inhibition and 3CL Protease Inactivation. Advanced Science. 2023; doi: 10.1002/advs.202207098. JCR IF:17.521; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[15] Hongbo Qin*, Hengju Qiu*, Shi-Ting He*, Bixia Hong*, Ke Liu*, Fuxing Lou, Maochen Li, Pan Hu, Xianghao Kong, Yujie Song, Yuchen Liu, Mingfang Pu, Pengjun Han, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#, Ruixue Wang#. Efficient disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses using cold plasma induces spike protein damage. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022; 430:128414. JCR IF:14.2; Top journal; Corresponding author 研究论文
[16] Shasha Li*, Wenli Liu*, Yangzhen Chen*, Liqin Wang*, Wenlin An, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#, Chenyang Lu#. Transcriptome analysis of cepharanthine against a SARS-CoV-2-related coronavirus. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021; 22(2):1378-1386. JCR IF:13.99; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[17] Pengfei Pei*, Hongbo Qin*, Jialin Chen, Fengli Wang, Chengzhi He, Shiting He, Bixia Hong, Ke Liu, Ren-zhong Qiao, Huahao Fan#, Yi-gang Tong#, Long Chen#, Shi-Zhong Luo#. Computational Design of Ultrashort Peptide Inhibitors of the Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2021; 22(6):bbab243. JCR IF:13.99; Top journal; Co-corresponding author研究论文
[18] Shuqi Wang*, Zehan Pang*, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Advances in anti-EV71 drug development research. Journal of Advanced Research. 2023; JCR IF:12.82; Top journal; Co-corresponding author长篇综述
[19] Shi-Ting He*, Kexin Wu*, Zixuan Cheng*, Mengjie He*, Ruolan Hu*, Ning Fan, Lin Shen, Qirui Li, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Long COVID: The latest manifestations, mechanisms, and potential therapeutic interventions. MedComm. 2022; 3(4):e196. Co-corresponding author 长篇综述即时IF>10
[20] Ailan Xu*, Bixia Hong*, Fuxing Lou*, Shuqi Wang*, Wenye Li, Amna Shafqat, Xiaoping An, Yunwei Zhao#, Lihua Song#, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#. Sub-lineages of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants: Characteristics and prevention. MedComm. 2022; 3(3):e172. Co-corresponding author 长篇综述即时IF>10
[21] Lili Tian*, Zehan Pang*, Maochen Li*, Fuxing Lou*, Xiaoping An, Shaozhou Zhu, Lihua Song#, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#, Junfen Fan#. Molnupiravir and Its Antiviral Activity Against COVID-19. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022; 13:855496. JCR IF:8.8; Top journal;ESI高被引论文Corresponding author 长篇综述
[22] Yahao Li, Mingfang Pu, Pengjun Han, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Huahao Fan#, Zeliang Chen#, Yigang Tong#. Efficacy in Galleria mellonella Larvae and Application Potential Assessment of a New Bacteriophage BUCT700 Extensively Lyse Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Microbiology Spectrum. 2023; e0403022. JCR IF:9.043; Top journal; Co-corresponding author研究论文
[23] Lin Jiang, Ao Tang, Lihua Song#, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#. Advances in the Development of Antivirals for Rotavirus Infection. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023; Accepted. JCR IF:8.8; Top journal; Corresponding author 长篇综述
[24] Yuer Wang, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Unveil the Secret of Bacteria and Phages Arm Race. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; Accepted. JCR IF:6.2; Top journal; Corresponding author 研究论文
[25] Ke Han*, Yuqi Dong*, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Mengzhe Li#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Potential application of a newly isolated phage BUCT609 infecting Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022; 13:1001237. JCR IF:6.1; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[26] Huahao Fan*,#, Shi-Ting He*, Pengjun Han*, Bixia Hong*, Ke Liu*, Maochen Li*, Shuqi Wang*, Yigang Tong#. Cepharanthine: A Promising Old Drug against SARS-CoV-2. Advanced Biology. 2022; doi: 10.1002/adbi.202200148. JCR IF:4.6; Co-corresponding author 评论文章
[27] 范华昊*,#,刘珂*,洪碧霞*,何诗婷*,韩鹏军*,李卯晨*,王姝琦*,童贻刚#.千金藤素抗新冠病毒研究进展.南方医科大学学报 2022, 42(6): 955-956 评论文章
[28] Zehan Pang*, Ruolan Hu*, Lili Tian*, Fuxing Lou*, Yangzhen Chen, Shuqi Wang, Shiting He, Shaozhou Zhu, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Feitong Liu#, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#. Overview of breastfeeding under COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022; 13:896068. JCR IF:8.8; Top journal;Corresponding author 长篇综述
[29] Mingfang Pu*, Pengjun Han*, Guangye Zhang, Yucong Liu, Yahao Li, Fei Li, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Yiming Chen, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Characterization and Comparative Genomics Analysis of a New Bacteriophage BUCT610 against Klebsiella pneumoniae and Efficacy Assessment in Galleria mellonella Larvae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(14):8040. JCR IF:6.2; Top journal; Corresponding author 研究论文
[30] Yangzhen Chen, Yecheng You, Shuqi Wang, Lin Jiang, Lili Tian, Shaozhou Zhu, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#. Antiviral Drugs Screening for Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23, 11250. JCR IF:6.2; Top journal; Corresponding author 研究论文
[31] Fuxing Lou, Ruolan Hu, Yangzhen Chen, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Yigang Tong#, Huhao Fan#. 2'-Fucosyllactose inhibits coxsackievirus class A type 9 infection by blocking virus attachment and internalization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(22):13727. JCR IF:6.2; Top journal;Corresponding author 研究论文
[32] Pengjun Han, Wenjing Zhang, Mingfang Pu, Yahao Li, Lihua Song, Xiaoping An, Mengzhe Li, Fei Li, Shuyan Zhang#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Characterization of the Bacteriophage BUCT603 and Therapeutic Potential Evaluation Against Drug-Resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in a Mouse Model. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022; 13:906961. JCR IF:6.1; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[33] Mingfang Pu*, Yahao Li*, Pengjun Han, Wei Lin, Ronghua Geng, Fen Qu, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Yigang Tong, Shuyan Zhang#, Zhen Cai#, Huahao Fan#. Genomic characterization of a new phage BUCT541 against Klebsiella pneumoniae K1-ST23 and efficacy assessment in mouse and Galleria mellonella larvae. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022; 13:950737. JCR IF:6.1; Top journal; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[34] Fuxing Lou*, Maochen Li*#, Zehan Pang*, Lin Jiang*, Lin Guan*, Lili Tian, Jiaming Hu, Junfen Fan#, Huahao Fan#. Understanding the secret of SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest/concern and immune escape. Frontiers in Immunology. 2021; 12:744242. JCR IF:8.8; Top journal; Corresponding author 长篇综述
[35] Yahao Li, Pengjun Han, Mingfang Pu, Fei Li, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#, Zeliang Chen#. Genomic Analysis of the Serratia marcescens Bacteriophage BUCT660. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2022; doi: 10.1128/mra.00406-22. 基因组报告
[36] Hunjia Hu*, Meiqin Liu*, Hongbo Qin*, Haofeng Lin, Xiaoping An, Zhengli Shi, Lihua Song#, Xinglou Yang#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Artemether, artesunate, arteannuin B, echinatin, licochalcone B and andrographolide effectively inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses in vitro. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2021 doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.680127. JCR IF:6.1; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[37] Huahao Fan*,#, Junfen Fan*, Suming Chen, Yangzhen Chen, Huiru Gao, Liying Shan Xue Li, Fengjun Gu, Hui Zhuang#, Lijun Sun#. Prognostic Significance of End-stage Liver Diseases, Respiratory Tract Infection and Chronic Kidney Diseases in Symptomatic Acute Hepatitis E. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2021; 10:593674. JCR IF:6.1; First author and co-corresponding author 研究论文
[38] Huahao Fan*, Luhua Qiao*, Kyung-Don Kang, Junfen Fan, Wensheng Wei, and Guangxiang Luo. Attachment and post-attachment receptors important for hepatitis C virus infection and cell-to-cell transmission. Journal of Virology 2017; 91(13):e00280-17. JCR IF:6.5; Top Journal; Co-first author 研究论文
[39] Pengjun Han, Yunjia Hu, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Biochemical and genomic characterization of a novel bacteriophage BUCT555 lysing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Virus Research. 2021; 301:198465. JCR IF:6.3; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[40] Zhen Cai, Tianye Jia, Mingfang Pu, Shuyong Zhang, Jingxia Zhang, Ronghua Geng, Suming Chen, Yahao Li, Huahao Fan*, Yigang Tong*, Fen Qu*. Clinical and Molecular Analysis of ST11-K47 Carbapenem-Resistant Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae: A Strain Causing Liver Abscess. Pathogens. 2022; 11(6):657. JCR IF:4.5; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[41] Fuxing Lou*, Hongbo Qin*, Shiting He*, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Yigang Tong#, Huahao Fan#. The benefits of breastfeeding still outweigh the risks of COVID-19 transmission. Frontiers in Medicine. 2021; 8:703950. JCR IF:5.1; Corresponding author 长篇综述
[42] Yinuo Zhu, Ke Han, Long Chen#, Shizhong Luo#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Biological characterization and genomic analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii phage BUCT628. Archives of Virology. 2022 Apr 19. doi: 10.1007/s00705-022-05425-7. JCR IF:2.7; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[43] Ke Han, Yinuo Zhu, Fei Li, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Genomic analysis of Acinetobacter phage BUCT629, a newly isolated member of the genus Obolenskvirus. Archives of Virology. 2022; 167(4):1197-1199. JCR IF:2.7; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[44] Ke Han, Yinuo Zhu, Fei Li, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Genomic Analysis of Bacteriophage BUCT86 Infecting Klebsiella Pneumoniae. Microbiology Resource Announcement. 2022 Apr 11;e0123821. JCR IF:0.8; Co-corresponding author 基因组报告
[45] Rujia Chen, Xuling Xu, Pengjun Han, Yunjia Hu, Hongbo Qin, Mengzhe Li, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Complete Genome Sequence of Aeromonas hydrophila Bacteriophage BUCT552. Microbiology Resource Announcement. 2022 Feb 17;11(2):e0117221. JCR IF:0.8; Co-corresponding author 基因组报告
[46] Yunjia Hu*, Shanwei Tong*, Ping Li*, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song#, Xinglou Yang#, Huahao Fan#, Yigang Tong#. Characterization and Genome Sequence of a Genetically Unique Escherichia bacteriophage vB_EcoM_IME392. Archives of Virology. 2021; 166(9):2505-2520. JCR IF:2.7; Co-corresponding author 研究论文
[47] Shengdong Luo*, Shanshan Lu*, Huahao Fan*, Zhihui Sun, Yan Hu, Ruisheng Li, Xiaoping An, Vladimir N Uversky, Zeliang Chen#, Yigang Tong#, Lihua Song#. he Coxiella burnetii QpH1 plasmid is a virulence factor for colonizing bone marrow-derived murine macrophages. Journal of Bacteriology. 2021; 203(9):e00588-20. JCR IF:3.5; Co-first author 研究论文
[48] Huan Zhang*, Huanying Zheng*, Jinying Zhu*, Qiao Dong*, Jin Wang*, Huahao Fan*, Yangzhen Chen*, Xi Zhang, Xiaohu Han, Qianlin Li, Jiahai Lu#, Yigang Tong#, Zeliang Chen#. The Ubiquitin-modified Proteome of SARS-CoV-2-infected Host Cells Reveals Insights into Virus-Host Interaction and Pathogenesis. Journal of Proteome Research. 2021; 20(5):2224-2239. JCR IF:5.4; Co-first author 研究论文
[49] Wenjing Zhang*, Rongrong Zhang*, Yunjia Hu*, Yujie Liu, Liqin Wang, Xiaoping An, Lihua Song, Taoxing Shi#, Huahao Fan#,Yigang Tong#, Hui Liu#. Biological characteristics and genomic analysis of a Stenotrophomonas maltophilia phage vB_SmaS_BUCT548. Virus Genes. 2021; 57(2):205-216. JCR IF:2.2; Co-corresponding author研究论文
[50] Chen Chen*, Huahao Fan*, Yong Huang, Fan Peng, Hang Fan, Shoujun Yuan#, and Yigang Tong#. Recombinant lysostaphin protects mice from methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia. Biomed Research International 2014; 602185. JCR IF:3.2; Co-first author研究论文
[51] Huahao Fan*, Hang Fan*, Xiaoping An*, Yong Huang, Zhiyi Zhang, Zhiqiang Mi#, and Yigang Tong#. Complete genome sequence of IME11, a new N4-like bacteriophage. Journal of Virology 2012; 86:13861. JCR IF:6.5; Top Journal; Co-first author 基因组报告
[52] Huahao Fan*, Yong Huang*, Zhiqiang Mi*, Xiuyun Yin, Lin Wang, Hang Fan, Zhiyi Zhang, Xiaoping An, Jiankui Chen#, and Yigang Tong#. Complete genome sequence of IME13, a Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteriophage with large burst size and unique plaque polymorphism. Journal of Virology 2012; 86:11392-11393. JCR IF:6.5; Top Journal; Co-first author 基因组报告
[53] Yong Huang*, Huahao Fan*, Guangqian Pei, Hang Fan, Zhiyi Zhang, Xiaoping An, Zhiqiang Mi, Taoxing Shi#, Yigang Tong#. Complete genome sequence of IME15, the first T7-like bacteriophage lytic to pan-antibiotic-resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Journal of Virology 86: 13839–13840. JCR IF:6.5; Top Journal; Co-first author 基因组报告
[54] 范华昊, 童贻刚. 噬菌体:生物武器和生物防御的双刃剑. 军事医学. 2013,37(03): 165.
[55] 范华昊, 范俊芬, 滑玉会, 裴广倩, 张文惠, 张博, 陈晨, 李建彬, 王晓娜, 安小平, 米志强, 王琳, 尹秀云, 陈建魁, 童贻刚. 快速从医院废水中大规模分离铜绿假单胞杆菌噬菌体. 生物技术通讯. 2012,23(04): 567-571.
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