姓名:程刚 职称:副教授 办公地址:科技大厦西配楼301-2 | ![]() |
1992.09-1996.07 郑州大学材料系, 学士
1996.09-1999.07 武汉大学化学系,硕士
1999.09-2005.12 美国Clemson大学,博士
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, associate editor
1. 木质素纳米颗粒以及木质素功能材料的制备和应用
2. 木质素纤维素生物质高效糖化和发酵
3. 使用大科学装置研究物质纳米结构
迄今在纤维素生物质化学与转化等领域共发表论文60多篇。有5篇一作或通讯作者文章引用大于100次,单篇最高引用420次,论文总引用4000多次,H-index为35(Google Scholar)。完成国家自然科学基金2项。
1) Gang Cheng*, Xin Zhang, Blake Simmons and Seema Singh*, Theory, practice and prospects of x-ray and neutron scattering for lignocellulosic biomass characterization: towards understanding biomass pretreatment, Energy and Environmental Science, 2015, 8,436-455
2) Wenwen Zhao, Blake Simmons, Seema Singh, Arthur Ragauskas* and Gang Cheng*,From Lignin Association to Nano-/Micro-particle Preparation: Extracting Higher Value of Lignin, Green Chemistry, 2016,18,5693
3) Zhao, Wenwen; Xiao, Ling-Ping; Song, Guoyong; Sun, Run-Cang; He, Lilin; Singh, Seema; Simmons, Blake A.; Cheng, Gang ; From lignin subunits to aggregates: insights into lignin solubilization, Green Chemistry, 2017, 19(14): 3272-3281
4) Xin Zhang, Mingkun Yang, Qipeng Yuan,* and Gang Cheng, * Controlled Preparation of Corncob Lignin Nanoparticles and their Size-Dependent Antioxidant Properties: Toward High Value Utilization of Lignin, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 17166−17174
5) Zhang, Jinxu; Zhang, Xin; Yang, Mingkun; Singh, Seema; Cheng, Gang; Transforming lignocellulosic biomass into biofuels enabled by ionic liquid pretreatment, Bioresource Technology, 2021, 322: 0-124522高被引
6) Jinxu Zhang, Dongzhe Zou , Siyu Zhai , Yin Yan , Hua Yang , Chunyong He , Yubin Ke , Seema Singh , Gang Cheng*, Enhancing the interaction between cellulose and dilute aqueous ionic liquid solutions and its implication to ionic liquid recycling and reuse, Carbohydrate Polymers 277 (2022) 118848
7) Irfan Ullah, Zebang Chen, Yuxin Xie, Shahin Shah Khan, Seema Singh, Changyuan Yu, Gang Cheng*, Recent advances in biological activities of lignin and emerging biomedical
applications: A short review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 208 (2022) 819–832. 高被引
8) Xin Zhang; Jinxu Zhang; Hua Yang; Chunyong He; Yubin Ke; Seema Singh; Gang Cheng* ; Determination of the Structures of Lignin Subunits and Nanoparticles in Solution by Small‐Angle Neutron Scattering: Towards Improving Lignin Valorization, Chemsuschem, 2022, 15(19): e202201230